Monday, November 16, 2009

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i was shock today when i came arcoss a green plant, flower, bloom. it's th first week of feb is suppose to be cold and snow everywhere. but no i see girls wearing mimi skirts and sandels.

the past few days, many geeces swim in the pond.

i ak myslef.. is it spring already? but it's the first week of feb how could it be? are we going to die? in 30 or 40 years there would be no winter but all year summer/ since the earth is warming and we are killing ourselves.

that one little flower made me worried.

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Crocus are beautiful. Mine are just starting! As for girls in skits and flip flops, I have seen them in skirts and flip flops with 8 inches of snow on the ground. And they think they know it all! go figure! Woolie socks for me still!
Reply:MMMM, I don't know...we have about 3 feet of snow on the ground and it is 15 degrees outside...don't see any sign of spring here.
Reply:No need to freak out, it's all good
Reply:Before long we won't be able to distinguish the differences between the seasons except for the green leaves on the trees. I read that once in the Bible
Reply:Yes they are croucus and are very nice flowers they sort of give us hope that spring is comming soon we hope.
Reply:It was probably a crocus. No need to freak out it is common for them to bloom in Feb.
Reply:LOL it's A crocus...dont're not gonna croak-on-us

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