Friday, May 21, 2010

What type of tree??

Hi! I have tried to research this question on my own and can't seem to find an answer. It is about a tree I have in my yard here in So. California. This tree (literally) sheds once a year. The first stage is when it develops it's "flower". This looks like a small off white or very pale yellow puff ball. When it sheds it looks almost as if it's snowed in our yard. Tiny hair like pieces and seeds come down and cover the yard. It causes many people to have an allergic reaction. After all of this "fur" falls a tiny maroon berry grows and falls off. Let me add that the tree started off looking like a large bush and has grown huge. It's leaves are small and dark green. It also attracts bees when it is flowering. Anyone know a name??

What type of tree??
Any possibility of a photo? RScott
Reply:if it's like this one, it's a cottonwood tree...

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