Sunday, May 16, 2010

Here is some secrets for club pengiun?

Clothing Catalog:

-click on the coffee mug to get a blue cape

-click on the bowtie to get a hard hat

-click on the snorkel to get a Viking helmet

-click on the feet of the girl in the suede jacket to get bunny slippers

Furniture Catalog:

-click on the fish's eye to get a sunset painting

-click on the stump to get a fireplace

-click on the clock face to make the pendulum swing

-click on the top speaker to get a big-screen TV

Igloo Upgrades

-click on the doors to make them open

Ice Rink

-click on the bottom left lamp a few times to make a puffle jump up on the bottom of the rink

Secret Places

-the dojo is on the purplish mountain

-the iceberg is the floating ice in the water

-the lighthouse brings you to the beach

-the mining shack is the snow drift to the right of the forts

-the sewer in the plaza brings you to the ice caves

-the upper right speaker in the dance club brings you to the boiler room

Boiler Room

-clicking on the top left cabinet lets you read the past eight newspapers

Emotes(always click at the same time)

-ET shows a music note and makes a noise

-EI shows an igloo

-EP shows a blue puffle

-ES shows a skull

-ED shows a sun(the D stands for day)

-EF shows a flower

-EG shows a game controller

-EH shows a red heart

-EL shows a four-leaf clover(the L stands for lucky)

-EZ shows a slice of pizza(the Z stands for the z's in pizza)

-EC shows a cup of coffee

-EN shows a moon and stars(the N stands for night)

-EM shows a coin(the M stands for money)

-E1 shows a laughing face

-E2 shows a smiley face

-E3 shows a straight face

-E4 shows a frowning face

-E5 shows a surprised face

-E6 shows a face sticking out tongue

-E7 shows a winking face

-E8 shows a green sickly face

-E9 shows a red angry face

-E0 shows a red angry face

-Shift! shows a large !

-Shift? shows a large ?

Different Dances

-wear the coffee apron to pour coffee

-wear the chef's hat to make pizza

-wear water wings and/or the inflatable duck to swim

-wear a Hawaiian lei and/or a grass skirt to hula

-wear a hard hat or a mining hat to drill using a jackhammer

Become a Secret Agent

-click the M with the badge in the top right corner of the screen. Then click on the M again and answer the questions. Wait for about ten minutes and the log off and on and see if you have a spy phone.

Type Commands

-type D to dance

-type W to wave(or wear a whistle to whistle)

-type S to sit

-type T to throw a snowball

-type J to tell a joke

-type Y to say yes

-type O to say ok

-type H to say hello

-type B to say good-bye

-type N to say no


-play Astro Barrier. On the tenth level wait for about 25 seconds for a blue ship to appear. Shot it(or click it???) and then the secret levels will be available.


-sometimes clicking on the jokes, riddles, or poems at the top with allow you to read bonus ones.

Spy Phone

-the red light is flashing something in Morse code

-click on the red light to make a comb, scissors, and a wrench appear

Here is some secrets for club pengiun?
Reply:dude nobody cares nobody plays that game
Reply:uh thanks!

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